Monday, January 11, 2016

Basic Rules of Kho-Kho Game

Every group comprises of 12 players, yet just 9 players take the field. A match comprises of two innings with every inning comprising of pursuing and running turns of 9 minutes each. One group sits/stoops amidst the court, in succession, with adjoining individuals confronting inverse headings. The runners take to the field, 3 at once and the group that takes the most brief time to label/tap every one of the adversaries in the field, wins. There is a post on every end and the runner can go between two players who are sitting in crisscross way, however the chaser is not permitted to turn back while running and go between the players. In any case, chaser can go to shaft and touch it and can retreat or go to other side.

Schematic representation of a kho-kho pitch

A kho play area (or pitch) is rectangular.[4] It is 29 meters long and 16 meters in width. There are two rectangles toward the end. Length of the rectangle is 16 meters and the width is 2.75 meters. Amidst these two rectangles, there are two wooden posts. The focal path is 23.5 meters in length and 30 cm width. There are eight cross paths which lie crosswise over focal path, length of the cross paths, are 16 meters and width 30 cm. It makes the little rectangles and each of it is 16 meters long and 2.3 meters in breadth,(the two rectangles of close by the wooden posts are 2.5 meters width) at right points to the focal path and partitioned just as into two sections of 7.85 meters each by focal path. Toward the end of focal path, the free zone digression to the post-line, two smooth wooden posts are altered, 120 cm range from the beginning their outline is at the very least 30 cm and not more than 40 cm they have such a large number of traps in running such as twofold chain , single chain , dogging and ring amusement and also in pursuing such as jump , shaft plunge , fake kho

The gear utilized as a part of kho are shafts/post, strings, metallic measuring tape, lime powder, wire nails, two watches, sorts of rings having internal perimeter of 30 cm and 40 cm, score shots (like a shriek, for occurrence), and stationery to compose results. [5]


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