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Monday, February 29, 2016



Weight lifting is a game of power and strength as the weight is lifted by means of power where the very strength of arms ,legs ,spine etc is not only tested but also increased marvelously by regular practice and some exercises.
The sports of weight lifting has gained much popularity all over the world during the last few years. It has become an accepted game in many youth clubs, colleges , university and other organisation in all over the countries. By means of weight  lifting every one can build strength elasticity of the body , balance and in addition to it , the strength of will and character . Moreover the general fitness , both physical and mental of a person of a person increases with this game .
Weight lifting today has become a more scientific sports. A good weight lifter requires a long term preparation that begins well before a contest . He must have motivation, deduction,Self-confidence will power, determination,courage, concentration and self discipline and above all he needs more Psychological strength .
Concentration is very important in weight lifting. Concentration is the development of all the energies, abilities and attention towards one end i.e. lifting that Barbell. The lifter has to think of one thing alone by dissociating himself and the barbell. In concentration the will power and self confidence is of vital importance for giving the best performance in the contest. One should be in high spirit throughout and think highly  of oneself. There is no room for pessimism in weight -lifting, The lifter has to convince himself that he would easily lift what he aims at.
Each sports has its own set of rules , competition , tension , uncertainties, tactics and gamesmanship which affect the performance in the competition . A Coach should help the lifters to develop the following qualities in order to becomes a good weight lifters .
Weight lifter should go on developing his power . If by regular practice, he has both developed his will power and also concentration at will, he is sure to give his maximum as there would be nothing to disturb his concentration. It is now entirely up to his own self to develop his mental discipline .
 weight lifter should develop positive attitudes towards his life , his game and other affairs . He should always keep in mind to achieve greater heights . Concentration is the one single factor which contributes the most to the success of a weight lifter . He should try ti get rid of all types of worries and the negative thoughts or distraction of thoughts. For this he should adopt the auto genie technique for relaxation, where he may leave his body free and try to become as much comfortable as possible by lying down and allow all parts of the body to have no strain .He should give a few pats to both arms and legs and have a feeling that he is fit and healthy in mind and physique and is ready to go for a successful and sure lift. After it, he should close his imagination towards the lifting scene. He should picture himself on the plaform ready to lift. He should have a comfortable and soothing feeling and even get surprised to find the weights sufficiently light, easy to pull with ample confidence .At this stage he is expected to get set rapidly for the long awaited action of lifting the barbell. All lifters are advised in their own interest to exercise restraint on the over - training .They should never exceed the schedule in the greed of going ahead speedily. The process is likely to affect the lifters adversely. Schedules are suggested by expert coaches who while devising them keep all aspects in view .They know by knowledge and experience as to how the schedule is to be set . The coach has to motivate the lifter and continue to stimulate him at the right time . But over - motivation too early during the day of the competition can cause prematch nerves which can change to apathy depressed performance. Knowledge, experience and intuition enable the Coach to time the stimulation of the lifter . Much depends upon the relationship of the coach and the lifters . Be for the competition , a lifter should be acquainted with the venue. He should be detracted by strange surrounding and equipment ,Personal detail such as clothing , boots, belts and bandage should be checked before the competition . Moreover a Coach is to help his lifters in the coach and the lifters. After suitable motivation the lifter goes on to the plaform for an all out effort . He has to be concentrate on the correct movement sequence and discharge his energies in one explosive lift on the snatch,and in two great efforts on the clean and Jerk.In conclusion, it may be said that the mental preparation of the weight lifter is very important. Because it has been seen in a number of cases where the lifter was quite fit physically but failed in the attempt. The reason when thoroughly investigated could be analysed and not having him prepared mentally.

Friday, February 26, 2016



Origin: history
Competitions for lifting weights of stone were held in the ancient Olympic Games. The first " world " Championship was staged at the Cafe Monico, Piccadilly, London, on March 28 , 1891 and the first official championship were held in Vienna, Austria ,July 19-20,1898. Prior to that time , weight lifting consisted of professional exhibition in which some of the advertised Pound-ages were open to doubt.
The first to raise 400 lb. was karl Swoboba ( 1882-1933 ) Australia in Vienna ,With 401 1/4 lb in 1910 using the continental and Jerk style.
This sports became standardized in 1928 with the result depending on the aggregate  weight of three two-handed overhead lifts: the press the Snatch and Jerk . But from 1976 the competition is decided by the aggregate of the Snatch and the Jerk only. The present Middle weight, Light weight and Middle Heavy weight were previously called Welter Weight, Middle weight light heavy weight respectively.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Marquess of Queensberry rules

The Marquess of Queens berry rules have been the general rules governing modern boxing since their publication in 1867.

A boxing match typically consists of a determined number of three-minute rounds, a total of up to 9 to 12 rounds. A minute is typically spent between each round with the fighters in their assigned corners receiving advice and attention from their coach and staff. The fight is controlled by a referee who works within the ring to judge and control the conduct of the fighters, rule on their ability to fight safely, count knocked-down fighters, and rule on fouls.

Up to three judges are typically present at ringside to score the bout and assign points to the boxers, based on punches that connect, defense, knockdowns, and other, more subjective, measures. Because of the open-ended style of boxing judging, many fights have controversial results, in which one or both fighters believe they have been "robbed" or unfairly denied a victory. Each fighter has an assigned corner of the ring, where his or her coach, as well as one or more "seconds" may administer to the fighter at the beginning of the fight and between rounds. Each boxer enters into the ring from their assigned corners at the beginning of each round and must cease fighting and return to their corner at the signaled end of each round.

A bout in which the predetermined number of rounds passes is decided by the judges, and is said to "go the distance". The fighter with the higher score at the end of the fight is ruled the winner. With three judges, unanimous and split decisions are possible, as are draws. A boxer may win the bout before a decision is reached through a knock-out ; such bouts are said to have ended "inside the distance". If a fighter is knocked down during the fight, determined by whether the boxer touches the canvas floor of the ring with any part of their body other than the feet as a result of the opponent's punch and not a slip, as determined by the referee, the referee begins counting until the fighter returns to his or her feet and can continue.

Should the referee count to ten, then the knocked-down boxer is ruled "knocked out"and the other boxer is ruled the winner by knockout (KO). A "technical knock-out" (TKO) is possible as well, and is ruled by the referee, fight doctor, or a fighter's corner if a fighter is unable to safely continue to fight, based upon injuries or being judged unable to effectively defend themselves. Many jurisdictions and sanctioning agencies also have a "three-knockdown rule", in which three knockdowns in a given round result in a TKO. A TKO is considered a knockout in a fighter's record. A "standing eight" count rule may also be in effect. This gives the referee the right to step in and administer a count of eight to a fighter that he feels may be in danger, even if no knockdown has taken place. After counting the referee will observe the fighter, and decide if he is fit to continue. For scoring purposes, a standing eight count is treated as a knockdown.

Marquess of Queens-berry rules of boxing game

Marquess of Queens-berry rules of boxing game (1867)

In 1867, the Marquess of Queens-berry rules were drafted by John Chambers for amateur championships held at Lillie Bridge in London for Lightweights, Middleweights and Heavyweights. The rules were published under the patronage of the Marquess of Queens-berry, whose name has always been associated with them.

The June 1894 Leonard–Cushing bout. Each of the six one-minute rounds recorded by the Cinematography was made available to exhibitors for $22.50.Customers who watched the final round saw Leonard score a knockdown.
There were twelve rules in all, and they specified that fights should be "a fair stand-up boxing match" in a 24-foot-square or similar ring. Rounds were three minutes with one-minute rest intervals between rounds. Each fighter was given a ten-second count if he or she were knocked down, and wrestling was banned.

The introduction of gloves of also changed the nature of the bouts. An average pair of boxing gloves resembles a bloated pair of mittens and are laced up around the wrists. The gloves can be used to block an opponent's blows. As a result of their introduction, bouts became longer and more strategic with greater importance attached to defensive maneuvers such as slipping, bobbing, countering and angling. Because less defensive emphasis was placed on the use of the forearms and more on the gloves, the classical forearms outwards, torso leaning back stance of the bare knuckle boxer was modified to a more modern stance in which the torso is tilted forward and the hands are held closer to the face.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Early London prize ring rules of boxing game

Early London prize ring rules of boxing game

Records of Classical boxing movement vanished after the fall of the Western Roman Empire when the wearing of weapons got to be basic at the end of the day and enthusiasm for battling with the clench hands faded. Be that as it may, there are point by point records of different clench hand battling sports that were kept up in various urban communities and territories of Italy between the twelfth and seventeenth hundreds of years. There was additionally a game in old Rus called Kulachniy Boy or "Clench hand Fighting".

As the wearing of swords turned out to be less normal, there was restored enthusiasm for fencing with the clench hands. The game would later reemerge in England amid the mid sixteenth century as exposed knuckle boxing in some cases alluded to as prizefighting. The initially archived record of an uncovered knuckle battle in England showed up in 1681 in the London Protestant Mercury, and the primary English exposed knuckle champion was James Figg in 1719.[2] This is additionally the time when "boxing" first came to be utilized. It ought to be noticed, this soonest type of cutting edge boxing was altogether different. Challenges in Mr. Figg's opportunity, notwithstanding clench hand battling, likewise contained fencing and beating. On 6 January 1681, the initially recorded enclosing match occurred Britain when Christopher Monck, second Duke of Albemarle (and later Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica) designed a session between his head servant and his butcher with the last winning the prize.

Early battling had no composed standards. There were no weight divisions or round points of confinement, and no official. When all is said in done, it was to a great degree riotous. An early article on confining was distributed Nottingham, 1713, by Sir Thomas Parkyns, an effective Wrestler from Bunny, Nottinghamshire, who had rehearsed the strategies he portrayed. The article, a solitary page in his manual of wrestling and fencing, Progymnasmata: The motel play, or Cornish-hugg wrestler, depicted an arrangement of headbutting, punching, eye-gouging, stifles, and hard tosses, not perceived in boxing today.

The primary boxing rules, called the Broughton's tenets, were presented by champion Jack Broughton in 1743 to secure warriors in the ring where passings some of the time occurred.[4] Under these guidelines, if a man went down and couldn't proceed following a tally of 30 seconds, the battle was over. Hitting a brought down contender and getting a handle on beneath the waist were restricted. Broughton empowered the utilization of 'suppressors', a type of cushioned wrap or glove, to be utilized as a part of "jousting" or competing sessions in preparing, and in display matches.

Tom Cribb versus Tom Molineaux in a re-match for the heavyweight title of England,

These principles did permit the warriors leverage not delighted in by today's boxers; they allowed the contender to drop to one knee to start a 30-second tally whenever. In this manner a warrior acknowledging he or she was stuck in an unfortunate situation had a chance to recoup. In any case, this was considered "unmanly"[5] and was every now and again denied by extra standards arranged by the Seconds of the Boxers.[6] Intentionally going down in cutting edge boxing will bring about the recuperating warrior to lose focuses in the scoring framework. Besides, as the challengers did not have overwhelming calfskin gloves and wristwraps to ensure their hands, they utilized distinctive punching system to safeguard their hands in light of the fact that the head was a typical focus to hit full out as all period manuals have intense straight punches with the entire body behind them to the face (counting brow) as the fundamental blows.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Rules of Cricket Game

Rules of Cricket Game

Cricket is a diversion played between two groups made up of eleven players each. There is likewise a store player called a "twelfth man" who is utilized ought to a player be harmed amid play.

The twelfth man is not permitted to bowl, bat, wicket keep or commander the group. His sole obligation is to go about as a substitute defender.

The first player is allowed to come back to the amusement when they have recuperated from their damage.

To apply the law and ensure the cricket guidelines are maintained all through the diversion there are two umpires set up amid recreations. Umpires are in charge of settling on choices and advising the scorers of these choices.

Two umpires are set up on the playing field while there is additionally a third umpire off the field who is responsible for video choices.

This is the place the call is excessively close for the on field umpires and they allude it to the third umpire who audits moderate movement video replays to settle on a choice.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

History of Cricket Game

History of Cricket Game

The cause of cricket is obscure. There is an accord of master feeling that it was most likely made amid Saxon or Norman times by youngsters living in the Weald, a range of thick forests and clearings in south-east England that lies crosswise over Kent and Sussex.[1] The principal unequivocal reference is dated Monday, 17 January 1597 (Julian date; see underneath).

There have been a few hypotheses about the amusement's inceptions including some that it was made in France or Flanders. The most punctual of these theoretical references is dated Thursday, 10 March 1300 (Julian date) and concerns the future King Edward II playing at "creag and different recreations" in both Westminster and Newenden. It has been proposed that "creag" was an Olde English word for cricket yet master assessment is that it was an early spelling of "craic", signifying "playing around in general".[2]

It is for the most part trusted that cricket made due as a kids' diversion for some eras before it was progressively taken up by grown-ups around the start of the seventeenth century. Perhaps cricket was gotten from dishes, expecting dishes is the more seasoned game, by the intercession of a batsman attempting to prevent the ball from hitting so as to achieve its objective it away. Playing on sheep-brushed area or in clearings, the first actualizes might have been a tangled chunk of sheep's fleece (or even a stone or a little piece of wood) as the ball; a stick or a hoodlum or another ranch apparatus as the bat; and a stool or a tree stump or a door (e.g., a wicket entryway) as the wicket.[3]