Weight lifting is a game of power and strength as the weight is lifted by means of power where the very strength of arms ,legs ,spine etc is not only tested but also increased marvelously by regular practice and some exercises.
The sports of weight lifting has gained much popularity all over the world during the last few years. It has become an accepted game in many youth clubs, colleges , university and other organisation in all over the countries. By means of weight lifting every one can build strength elasticity of the body , balance and in addition to it , the strength of will and character . Moreover the general fitness , both physical and mental of a person of a person increases with this game .
Weight lifting today has become a more scientific sports. A good weight lifter requires a long term preparation that begins well before a contest . He must have motivation, deduction,Self-confidence will power, determination,courage, concentration and self discipline and above all he needs more Psychological strength .
Concentration is very important in weight lifting. Concentration is the development of all the energies, abilities and attention towards one end i.e. lifting that Barbell. The lifter has to think of one thing alone by dissociating himself and the barbell. In concentration the will power and self confidence is of vital importance for giving the best performance in the contest. One should be in high spirit throughout and think highly of oneself. There is no room for pessimism in weight -lifting, The lifter has to convince himself that he would easily lift what he aims at.
Each sports has its own set of rules , competition , tension , uncertainties, tactics and gamesmanship which affect the performance in the competition . A Coach should help the lifters to develop the following qualities in order to becomes a good weight lifters .
Weight lifter should go on developing his power . If by regular practice, he has both developed his will power and also concentration at will, he is sure to give his maximum as there would be nothing to disturb his concentration. It is now entirely up to his own self to develop his mental discipline .
weight lifter should develop positive attitudes towards his life , his game and other affairs . He should always keep in mind to achieve greater heights . Concentration is the one single factor which contributes the most to the success of a weight lifter . He should try ti get rid of all types of worries and the negative thoughts or distraction of thoughts. For this he should adopt the auto genie technique for relaxation, where he may leave his body free and try to become as much comfortable as possible by lying down and allow all parts of the body to have no strain .He should give a few pats to both arms and legs and have a feeling that he is fit and healthy in mind and physique and is ready to go for a successful and sure lift. After it, he should close his imagination towards the lifting scene. He should picture himself on the plaform ready to lift. He should have a comfortable and soothing feeling and even get surprised to find the weights sufficiently light, easy to pull with ample confidence .At this stage he is expected to get set rapidly for the long awaited action of lifting the barbell. All lifters are advised in their own interest to exercise restraint on the over - training .They should never exceed the schedule in the greed of going ahead speedily. The process is likely to affect the lifters adversely. Schedules are suggested by expert coaches who while devising them keep all aspects in view .They know by knowledge and experience as to how the schedule is to be set . The coach has to motivate the lifter and continue to stimulate him at the right time . But over - motivation too early during the day of the competition can cause prematch nerves which can change to apathy depressed performance. Knowledge, experience and intuition enable the Coach to time the stimulation of the lifter . Much depends upon the relationship of the coach and the lifters . Be for the competition , a lifter should be acquainted with the venue. He should be detracted by strange surrounding and equipment ,Personal detail such as clothing , boots, belts and bandage should be checked before the competition . Moreover a Coach is to help his lifters in the coach and the lifters. After suitable motivation the lifter goes on to the plaform for an all out effort . He has to be concentrate on the correct movement sequence and discharge his energies in one explosive lift on the snatch,and in two great efforts on the clean and Jerk.In conclusion, it may be said that the mental preparation of the weight lifter is very important. Because it has been seen in a number of cases where the lifter was quite fit physically but failed in the attempt. The reason when thoroughly investigated could be analysed and not having him prepared mentally.