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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Front Squats

Front Squats 

Load the barbell on the squat stands . Grip the bar ,bend the knees and raise the bar clear of the stands.Step back from the stands.Place the feet hip-width apart with the toes turned. Keep the elbows high throughout the movement.

Image result for photo of weight lifting

Lower the body into position.Fig. Vigorously extend the legs and, Keeping the chest high and the back flat and upright, return to the standing position.


Breathe out as you bend the knees, and in as you rise to the standing position.


Mainly to develop the muscles on the front of the thigh and the hip muscles.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Split Snatch Balance press



Assume the position in Fig.Make sure that the weight is evently distributed over both feet and that the trunk is nearly vertical. The bar should rest solidly on the chest.


Bend both knees quickly,straghtening the legs,and at the same time drive upwards with the arms and shoulders. As the bar clears the top of the head ,dip the body dending the knees to receive the bar in position. Straighten both legs,than lower to starting position.


Breath in as the bar is drived overhead, and out as it is lowered.

To develop the skill and timing in Jerking weights overhead and to develop power in this movement.

Split Snatch Balance press


Assam the position in Fig.making sure you are perfectly balanced before you attempt to make your movement.


From this position ,keeping the feet firmly in the same position,quickly bend and stretch the legs. At the same time drive the bar slightly forwards and upwards with the arms. Now dip the body as the bar passes the forehead,lowering into the position as shown in fig. This position is known as the Receiving position.
 Note that the trunk is vertical ans the knee of the front leg is pushed well forward over the ankle. Try to sit on the forward hell without the near knee touching the floor.


To assist in teaching the split Style Snatch and to develop the quality of mobility, co-ordination, power and confidence essential in learning this fine athletic lift.