Sunday, December 6, 2015

Meaning & history of Volleyball game

Volleyball is a group activity in which two groups of six players are isolated by a net. Every group tries to score focuses by establishing a ball on the other group's court under sorted out rules.[1] It has been a piece of the official system of the Summer Olympic Games subsequent to 1964.

A scene of volleyball play in an Erwadi town.

The complete tenets are broad. Be that as it may, basically, play continues as takes after: a player on one of the groups starts a "rally" by serving the ball (hurling or discharging it and after that hitting it with a hand or arm), from behind the back limit line of the court, over the net, and into the accepting group's court. The accepting group must not let the ball be grounded inside of their court. The group may touch the ball up to 3 times however singular players may not touch the ball twice continuously. Normally, the initial two touches are utilized to set up for an assault, an endeavor to coordinate the ball back over the net in a manner that the serving group can't keep it from being grounded in their court.


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