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Tuesday, March 29, 2016



High Pull up


Feet hip-width apart insteps under the bar.Band the knees and hips and grip the bar with the knuckles to the front ,hands shoulder width apart.The hips shoulder be higher than the knees and the back lfat with the shoulders slightly in advance of the bar. This is called the 'Get Set'position.


Image result for weightlifter photo Lift with the legs maintaining the position of the back and head.As the bar passes the knees, force the hips forwards and upwards,reaching for a position of maximum upward extension. Lower.Lower the bar to the starting position by bending the legs.


Breathing in on the effort of lifting the bar and out when lowering.


To build real power in the legs,back ,shoulders and grip.This exercise may be performed with a wide grip as for the Snatch.

Sunday, March 27, 2016


side referee & chief referee
There shall be three Referees. The one nominated as the chief Referee.The chief Referee shall give the signal to return the bar to the ground in all lifts.The signal must be audible and visible i.e. He must say "Down" and at the same time he must motion downwards with his arm.
When the lifter has grounded the bar, the chief referee shall make known the referee decision.If on lamp system is in operation, he shall consult the other two Referees and announce the resulting decision of their and his own view by "Good Lift" or NO LIFT the chief Referee does not have an averring vote.
If one of the sides Referee sees a serious fault during the performance of a lift (i.e. during the clean for a Jerk) he may raise his hand to call attention to the fault.If there is agreement from the other side Referee or from the chief Referee himself. This constitutes a majority opinion and the chief Referee shall stop the lift and signal the lifter to lower the bar to the platform. The three referees shall be seated in accordance with the plan below

side referee Chief referee side referee

Before the contest, the Referees must ascertain
A. That platform and equipment are according to rules.
B. That the barbell weighs accurately.
C. That all competitors weigh-in-within the limit for their category.
D. That the cons tomes of the lifters are correct.

Saturday, March 26, 2016


The use of lamps is compulsory. These lamps should light up only when the switches are pressed be all the three Referee and not separately.

The lifts must take place on square wooden platform measuring 4 mts each side. Any lift during which a lifter steps off the platform will be declared LIFT.'

For all weight lifting contest only disc barbells are authorized.
The barbell must be of the following  dimensions.
Total length of the bar outside sleeves=2.2 mts (maximum)
Distance between inside collars = 1.31 mts (minimum) Width of the inside collar including the collar on           the sleeve,a minimum of 20 mm, and a maximum of 40 mm.
Diameter of the bar 28 mm.
Diameter of the sleeve 50 mm. (minimum)55 mm (maximum)
Weight the barbell and collars - 25 kg
Diameter of the largest disc - 45 cm.
Weight of the largest disc - 50 kg.
Disc must be of the following range: 50 kg, 25 kg ,20 kg, 15 kg, 10 kg, 5 kg, 2.5 kg,1 1/4kg.
50 kg disc must be colored green, 25 kg disc must be colored Red, 20 kg discs must be colored blue           and all discs must have a clear indication of their weight.
For record purposes smaller discs may be added to the bar to give a total weight at bar to give a total           weight at least 1/2 kg more than the existing Record.

Friday, March 25, 2016



Category Wrist Length/width      knee Length/width
52 to 75 kg 1.5 mt./8 cm. 2.5 mt./ 25 cm.
82.5 kg to above 2 mt./ 8 cm. 3 mt. /25 cm.

a. Rubber:- Bandage or supports of rubber or rubber substitutes are forbidden.
b. Knees :- Bandage of gauze or medical crepe may be worn alternatively and elastic knee-cap may be worn with a maximum length of 25 cm. A combination of the two is forbidden.
c. Wrist :- Bandage of gauze or medical crepe or leather wrist straps may be worn.
d. Body  :- Bandage around the body are forbidden. Spot plaster to muscle injuries may be applied by the official ir Doctor on duty.
e. Hands :- Plaster on the Fingers or inside of the hand are forbidden.If there are injuries to the hand,plasters may be applied by the official or Doctor on duty. If a strip plaster is a applied to the inside of the hand,it must not continue around the back of the hand.
f. Thumb :- Bandage of length of 30 cm.Can be worn but its width cannot exceed the length of the thumb itself.
   If lifter after the referee's inspection changes part of his costume,his belt or bandages or put on anything which has not been authorized or which is contrary to the rules,he shall immediately be disputable from the competition.

The use of lamps is compulsory. These lamps should light up only when the switches are pressed be all         the three Referee and not separately.

The lifts must take place on square wooden platform measuring 4 mts each side. Any lift during which a         lifter steps off the platform will be declared LIFT.'

For all weight lifting contest only disc barbells are authorized.
The barbell must be of the following  dimensions.
Total length of the bar outside sleeves=2.2 mts(maximum)
Distance between inside collars = 1.31 mts (minimum) Width of the inside collar including the collar on           the sleeve,a minimum of 20 mm, and a maximum of 40 mm.
Diameter of the bar 28 mm.
Diameter of the sleeve 50 mm. (minimum)55 mm (maximum)
Weight the barbell and collars - 25 kg
Diameter of the largest disc - 45 cm.
Weight of the largest disc - 50 kg.
Disc must be of the following range: 50 kg, 25 kg ,20 kg, 15 kg, 10 kg, 5 kg, 2.5 kg,1 1/4kg.
50 kg disc must be colored green, 25 kg disc must be colored Red, 20 kg discs must be colored blue           and all discs must have a clear indication of their weight.
For record purposes smaller discs may be added to the bar to give a total weight at bar to give a total           weight at least 1/2 kg more than the existing Record.



The competitor lifting the highest total in the lifts prescribed for that particular performance in the own class shall be declared the winner to that class.Only the maximum weight in each prescribed lift will be counted.
        In case of a tie in weight division the lighter of the competitors shall be declared winner in order to obviate supplementary lifts.

Thursday, March 24, 2016



Only the lifter himself or the loaders shall adjust the barbell or move it to a new position on the platform. It is forbidden for the Coach/Manager or any other person to move or adjust the Barbell. The lifter may ask the loaders to adjust or move the Barbell if required.
If a lifter moves the Barbell to a position where the view of the Referee is unpaired , the Referee may move to a position from where ha can correctly observe the lift and thereafter ha shall return to his seat to give his signal.


1. The only records recognized will be those which have been set up at a competition registered or recognized by the Federation and have been adjudicated by three Referee who hold the identity cards of the Federation.National records set up outside our country at a competition recognized by International Weight-lifting Federation will also be recognized.
2. In National championships and competitions organised the I.W.F.reweighing of the Bar and lifter is not necessary, provided the Bar is checked before the competition. In all other competitions the 3 Referees must weigh the Barbell immediately after the record lift.
3. The Score sheet signed by the 3 referees should reach the Federation with in 10 days from the date of the competition.
4. Bar can be loaded at any weight to beat a record by minimum 1/2 kg more than the existing record during competition .But for the competition purpose the nearest multiple of 2.5 kg below the weight shall be counted.
5. When the lifter has during his 3rd attempt in a registered or recognized competition failed by a small Margin (less than kg) to achieve a National record ,at his request a fourth attempt may be granted outside the contest if the  Jury permits it. If the lifter beats or fails of beat the record during the record attempt no further supplementary attempt will be granted.For discs may be added to the bar to give weight at least 1/2 kg more than the existing National record.
6. An official Indian record which exists on the total of the two Olympic movements can only be beaten without supplementary attempt.
7. When two lifters beat the same record during a contest the one whose Body weight is lighter,shall be declared the holder.
8. A National record will be valid only if it exceeds the previous record by 0.5 kg.Fraction of 0.5 kg. will be ignored.
Example: 107.7 kg. will be registered as 107.5 kg. and 107.3 kg. will be registered as 107 kg.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Each participant shall have the privilege of three trials for each scheduled lift.
A Competitor is allowed to feel the weight adjusted  for his performance provided he does not pull it to the height of his knees. If the weight to pulled to the height of his knees it will be counts as trial.


The increase in weight between each trial must not be less than 5 kg except in the last  one when it may be 2 1/2 kg . A premature increase by 2 1/2 kg will denote the last attempt.
The weight announced must be immediately displayed on a board visible to all.

The bar shall be loaded progressively, the lifter taking the lightest weight lifting first. In no case can the bar be reduced to a lighter weight when a lifter has made a lift at the weight announced. Lifters or their coaches mist therefore watch the progressive loading of the bar and lifters are to be ready to make their attempt at the weight they have chosen.
One or more competitor's stewards will be nominated by the organizing committee. Their duties will be:
a) To hand in as and when necessary, the list of the performances selected by the athletes and to ensure the correct order of presentation and sequence.
b) To watch and ensure that participating athletes remain in the vicinity of the platform or withdrew to the place reserved for them in accordance with the arrangements of the competition.
c) to attend to, whenever necessary , the drawing of lots of the competition.
When several lifters indicate that for the first attempt on any movement they all wish to start with the same weight their names shall be drawn by lot. The lifter whose name is drawn first shall continue to lift first throughout attempts on this movement if the lifter's increases remain the same.
If for the following movement the same lifters select to lift with the same weight, the lifters who lifted first in the preceding movement shall now lift the last.

a lifter making his first attempt shall precede those making  their second or third attempt at the  weight which is on the bar . In the same way a lifter making his second attempt shall precede any lifter making  a third attempt at weight on the bar.
The chief referee is to decide  the action to be taken  in the event of an error in the increase  in weight of the bar or an erroneous

once announcement  made by the announcer
1. If the bar is loaded with a weight which is less than that asked by the athlete ,the valid lift must be cancelled and the Athlete will be allowed a new lift at the weight he requested.
2. If the bar is loaded with a weight in excess of that asked for by the athlete  and the attempt is good ,the Chief referee will count as valid the weight which has been lifted and will have the weight decreased if other athlete have asked to lift a lower weight. If, however ,the attempt is unsuccessful, the chief Referee will have the weight decreased to that asked for by the Athlete and will allow the lifter a new attempt.
3. If the weight is not equal at both extremities of the bar or the weights undergo any change or difference during execution of an attempt or the platform is disarranged, the chief Referee will cancel the failed attempt as a result of that cause and will allow a new attempt .
4. If the error in loading is made in the second attempt of an exercise and the increase of the weight due to that error is only 2.5 kg, the attempt if valid will be awarded to the lifter wishes so ,but this will cancel his third attempt .If ,to the contrary the lifter wishes to benefit by his third attempt ,the second attempt because of the error will be cancelled and a new second attempt will be allowed  to the lifter for the weight he chooses.
For Example;
First attempt : 120 kg
Second attempt : weight requested 125 kg . Bar erroneously loaded with 122.5 kg
Division : Either cancel the 3rd attempt of the lifter accepts the weight of 122.5 kg or allow the lifter an additional second attempt on 125 kg .
5. If the announcer commits an error by announcing a lower or higher weight than that asked for by a competitor the chief referee will take the same decision as that called for in the case of an error in loading .
6. In competitions where the competitor are not under the obligation of remaining in the vicinity of the platform , it is therefore being impossible for them to follow  other competitors in sequence during the course of a competition should the announcer omit to call a lifter forward when the later should perform his exercise the weight of the bar will be reduced in order that competitor  may undertake his attempt.
7. Immediately after completion of a lift, the lifter or his coach must indicate the next weight the lifter will attempt.
8. A total time of 2 minutes will be allowed to a lifter from the calling of his name to the making of the attempt. After the minute there will be a warning signal . If at the end of 2 minutes the lifter has not revised the barbell from the platform to the height of his knee to make his attempt ,that particular attempt lift will be eliminated .If a lifter is taking 2 lifts in succession he will be allowed 3 minutes for the succeeding lift and shall receive a warning signal after 2 minutes .For attempts outside the competition the lifter is allowed 3 minutes.
9. Immediately after weighing in a lifter or his Coach must indicate the starting weight for two hands Snatch as well as two hand clean and Jerk. After the weighing in is over ,the weight asked for are to be displayed on a score Board in the warning up room visible to all competitors.
10. Immediately after competition of a lift the lifter or his Coach must indicate the next weight the lifter will attempt and this also will be immediately displayed on the Score Board in the warming up Room.
11. A lifter or his coach is allowed to change the weight indicated by him once in each attempt if he so desires until his name is announced as the next lifter or for the particular lift. But such a change in weight  must be higher (not lower) than that indicated by him for the particular attempt.
A competitor missing all the three attempts in snatch may continue in Clean and Jerk but cannot score any point.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016



Classification of lifters shall be made according to their body weight as per table below:
52 Kg Fly weight
56 kg Banyan weight
60 kg Feather weight
67.5 kg Light weight
75 kg Middle weight
82.5 kg Light heavy weight
90 kg Middle heavy weight
100 kg Heavy weight
110 kg Class
Over 110 kg super heavy weight
Note: Women weight-lifter as a competitive events first appeared in the United States in 1981,later it was             taken by France,Canada,Cuba,China,India etc.
The first World Woman's Weight lifting championship staged in the United States in October 1987.
At the 2nd world woman weight lifting championship held in Jakarta in Dec.1988. More than 100                 woman lifters from 23 countries and regions compered in nine categories.

        Classification of women's weight lifters shall be made according to their Body weight as per table                   below:
44 kg
48 kg
52 kg
56 kg
60 kg
67.5 kg
75 kg
82.5 kg
82.5 kg above

Monday, March 21, 2016



Weighing in of competitors must take place obligatorily two hours before the beginning of the competition for a particular category.The weighing -in shall last one hour.
All the lifters in the said category are to be present at the weighing -in which in to take place in the presence of the Referees appointed for the category.A delegate of the organisation of the lifters being weighed may be present but he will have no right to interfere in any way.
Lifters will be weighed in the nude, each competitor is allowed to be weighed once only.Only those whose body-weight is heavier or lighter than the limit for the category will be allowed to go back on the scale. They are allowed an hour at the maximum to make the weight.
After this time they will be eliminated.
A lifter who is too heavy may move into the next higher category if there be any vacancy.
A lifter shall not compete in more than one category during a championship or competition.

Saturday, March 19, 2016



The English public house, or 'pub' for short ,has a long association with gaming , from the droughts (checkers) of the roman taverns to the video games of the 21st century. Along the way many of these games have come to be considered as classic .what follows here is a round -up of our favorites.
Image result for photo of classic pub games
These are mostly indoor games, though some - such as quoits-are generally played outdoors.And though many have their origins in the British pub,there are other that have that their roots in bars and cafes in Europe and the US. What draws them together is that they all remain popular in one form or another in pubs ,bars and cafes around the world.
Of course,these games are not restricted to drinking establishments. You might already have some 'Classic pub Games' at home as board games, while others require nothing more than a pack of cards. We have included the basic game of dominoes,a game closely associated with British pubs , and some dice games here,too, though you will find many more in the ' Coin, Dice and Tile Games' section of this book.

Thursday, March 17, 2016



1) The technique known as hooking is permitted. It consist of covering the last joint of the thumb with                 the other fingers of the same hand at the movement of gripping .
2) In all lifts, pulling from the hang is forbidden.
3) In all lifts, touching the bar against the legs below the knees shall not render the lift"No lift."
4) In all lifts the referee must count as "NO LIFT" any unfinished attempt in which the bar has arrived                 at the height of the knees.
5) In all lifts, if the bar touches the thighs with with a visible stop, it shall render the attempt "NO                         LIFT". But, if during the pull the bar grazes or slides along the thighs without stopping , it shall not                 render the lift NO LIFT.
6) The use of grease, Oil, water or any lubricant of any kind on the thighs to facilitate the sliding of                     the bar is forbidden. The competitor is only allowed to use chalk.If the Jury find the use of any of                   the above material except chalk, they will order the competitor to wipe it off. The Jury will decide                 if during the wiping off the clock will go on or not .
7) In all lifts, touching the ground with any part of the body other than the feet shall render the                             attempt "NO LIFT".
8) Any clean in which the bar is placed on the chest before the turning over of the elbows shall                           render the attempt"NO LIFT".
9) In any clean touching the thighs or knees with the elbows or upper arms shall render the                                 attempt"NO LIFT".
10) In the Jerk any apparent effort from the shoulders.If the lift is not completed, must be counted as                   "NO LIFT" This includes lowering the body ot bending the knees.
11) After the referee's signal to replace the bar, the lifter must lower the bar and not let it drop either                   deliberately or accidentally. The lifter must retain both hands on the barbell until it is replaced on                     the platform.If he releases his grip with one or both hands before the barbell is replaced on the                       platform, this shall be considered dropping the bar which shall render the attempt "NO LIFT."                       There is no case for giving a lifter a warning the time that he drops the barbell.
12) If a competitor cannot fully stretch his arms resulting  from anatomical deformation of his elbow,                     he must report to the three Referees, as well as the Jury  before the beginning of the competition.

Saturday, March 12, 2016


After the clean and before the jerk the lifter may ensure the position of the bar. This must not lead to confusion. It cannot mean in any case , granting a second movement to the lifter but of allowing him:-
1) Either to withdraw his thumbs or to "unhook" if he has used this method.
2) Or if the bar is placed too high and impedes his breathing or causes a pain, to lower it in order to rest it on his shoulders.
3) OR to change the width of his grip.


1) Any unfinished attempt at pulling in which the bar has reached at least the height of the knees.
2) Pulling from the hang.
3) Cleaning in two or more movements.
4) Touching the ground with the knee or buttocks or any part of the body other than the feet.
5) Any clean in which the bar touches a part of the trunk before the final position at the shoulders.
6) Cleaning in the "squat" position touching the knee or things with the elbows or upper arms.
7) Leaving the platform with any part of his body.

8) Any apparent effort of Jerking which is not completed.
9) Uneven extension of the arms.
10) Pause during the extension of the arms and finishing with a press out.
11) Bending and extending the arms during  the recovery.
12) Leaving the platform during the execution of the lift, i.e. touching the area outside the platform with                 any part of his body.
13) Replacing the bar on the platform before the referee's signal.
14) Dropping the bar after the referee's signal to replace the bar.
15) Failing to finish with the feet in the same line and parallel to the plane of the trunk and barbell.

Monday, March 7, 2016



1st Part: THE CLEAN
The bar shall be placed horizontally in front of the lifter's legs.It shall be gripped ,palms downwards and brought in a single movement from the ground to the shoulders, while either "spiting" or bending the legs. The bar must not touch the chest before the final position. it shall then rest on the clavicles or on the arms fully bent. The feel shall be returned to the same time , leg straight , before performing the Jerks. The lifter may make this recovery in his own time, parallel to the plane of his trunk and barbell.

2nd Part : THE JERK 

Bend the legs and extend them as well as the arms so as to bring the bar to the full stretch of the arms Vertically extended . Return the feet to the same line , arms and legs extended and await the referee's signal and replace the bar on the platform.
The referee's signal shall be given as soon as the lifter becomes absolutely motionless in all parts of the body.

Sunday, March 6, 2016



1 Pulling from the hang
2 Pause during the lifting of the bar
3 Uneven extension of the arms
4 Incomplete extension of the arms
5 Finishing  with a " Press out "
6 Bending and extending  the arms during  the recovery.
7 Touching the ground with the knee or buttocks or any part of the body other than the feet.
8 Leaving the platform during the execution of the lift , i.e. touching  the area outside platform with any             part of his body .
9 Replacing the bar on the platform before the referee's signal .
10 Dropping the bar after the referee's signal to replace the bar.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016



Image result for photo of weight lifting
Two hand snatch
The following two shall be the prescribed lifts:
1) Two hand Snatch
2) Two hand clean and Jerk

Two hand snatch :- The bar shall be placed horizontally in front of the lifter's legs . It shall be gripped ,palm downwards and pulled in a single movement from the around to the full extent of both arms vertically above the head while either,"splitting or bending legs. The ball shall pass with a continuous movement along the body of which no part other than feet may touch the ground during the execution of the lift. The weight which has been lifted , must be maintained in the final motionless position . The arms and legs extended,the feet on the same line ,until the referee's signal to replace the bar on the platform .The turning over the wrists must not take place until the bar has passed the top of the lifters head . The lifter may recover in his own time either form a split or a "equate" and has his feet on the same line parallel to the plane of his trunk and barbell.
The referee's signal shall be given as soon as the lifter becomes absolutely motionless in all parts of the body.