Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Each participant shall have the privilege of three trials for each scheduled lift.
A Competitor is allowed to feel the weight adjusted  for his performance provided he does not pull it to the height of his knees. If the weight to pulled to the height of his knees it will be counts as trial.


The increase in weight between each trial must not be less than 5 kg except in the last  one when it may be 2 1/2 kg . A premature increase by 2 1/2 kg will denote the last attempt.
The weight announced must be immediately displayed on a board visible to all.

The bar shall be loaded progressively, the lifter taking the lightest weight lifting first. In no case can the bar be reduced to a lighter weight when a lifter has made a lift at the weight announced. Lifters or their coaches mist therefore watch the progressive loading of the bar and lifters are to be ready to make their attempt at the weight they have chosen.
One or more competitor's stewards will be nominated by the organizing committee. Their duties will be:
a) To hand in as and when necessary, the list of the performances selected by the athletes and to ensure the correct order of presentation and sequence.
b) To watch and ensure that participating athletes remain in the vicinity of the platform or withdrew to the place reserved for them in accordance with the arrangements of the competition.
c) to attend to, whenever necessary , the drawing of lots of the competition.
When several lifters indicate that for the first attempt on any movement they all wish to start with the same weight their names shall be drawn by lot. The lifter whose name is drawn first shall continue to lift first throughout attempts on this movement if the lifter's increases remain the same.
If for the following movement the same lifters select to lift with the same weight, the lifters who lifted first in the preceding movement shall now lift the last.

a lifter making his first attempt shall precede those making  their second or third attempt at the  weight which is on the bar . In the same way a lifter making his second attempt shall precede any lifter making  a third attempt at weight on the bar.
The chief referee is to decide  the action to be taken  in the event of an error in the increase  in weight of the bar or an erroneous

once announcement  made by the announcer
1. If the bar is loaded with a weight which is less than that asked by the athlete ,the valid lift must be cancelled and the Athlete will be allowed a new lift at the weight he requested.
2. If the bar is loaded with a weight in excess of that asked for by the athlete  and the attempt is good ,the Chief referee will count as valid the weight which has been lifted and will have the weight decreased if other athlete have asked to lift a lower weight. If, however ,the attempt is unsuccessful, the chief Referee will have the weight decreased to that asked for by the Athlete and will allow the lifter a new attempt.
3. If the weight is not equal at both extremities of the bar or the weights undergo any change or difference during execution of an attempt or the platform is disarranged, the chief Referee will cancel the failed attempt as a result of that cause and will allow a new attempt .
4. If the error in loading is made in the second attempt of an exercise and the increase of the weight due to that error is only 2.5 kg, the attempt if valid will be awarded to the lifter wishes so ,but this will cancel his third attempt .If ,to the contrary the lifter wishes to benefit by his third attempt ,the second attempt because of the error will be cancelled and a new second attempt will be allowed  to the lifter for the weight he chooses.
For Example;
First attempt : 120 kg
Second attempt : weight requested 125 kg . Bar erroneously loaded with 122.5 kg
Division : Either cancel the 3rd attempt of the lifter accepts the weight of 122.5 kg or allow the lifter an additional second attempt on 125 kg .
5. If the announcer commits an error by announcing a lower or higher weight than that asked for by a competitor the chief referee will take the same decision as that called for in the case of an error in loading .
6. In competitions where the competitor are not under the obligation of remaining in the vicinity of the platform , it is therefore being impossible for them to follow  other competitors in sequence during the course of a competition should the announcer omit to call a lifter forward when the later should perform his exercise the weight of the bar will be reduced in order that competitor  may undertake his attempt.
7. Immediately after completion of a lift, the lifter or his coach must indicate the next weight the lifter will attempt.
8. A total time of 2 minutes will be allowed to a lifter from the calling of his name to the making of the attempt. After the minute there will be a warning signal . If at the end of 2 minutes the lifter has not revised the barbell from the platform to the height of his knee to make his attempt ,that particular attempt lift will be eliminated .If a lifter is taking 2 lifts in succession he will be allowed 3 minutes for the succeeding lift and shall receive a warning signal after 2 minutes .For attempts outside the competition the lifter is allowed 3 minutes.
9. Immediately after weighing in a lifter or his Coach must indicate the starting weight for two hands Snatch as well as two hand clean and Jerk. After the weighing in is over ,the weight asked for are to be displayed on a score Board in the warning up room visible to all competitors.
10. Immediately after competition of a lift the lifter or his Coach must indicate the next weight the lifter will attempt and this also will be immediately displayed on the Score Board in the warming up Room.
11. A lifter or his coach is allowed to change the weight indicated by him once in each attempt if he so desires until his name is announced as the next lifter or for the particular lift. But such a change in weight  must be higher (not lower) than that indicated by him for the particular attempt.
A competitor missing all the three attempts in snatch may continue in Clean and Jerk but cannot score any point.


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