Monday, March 21, 2016



Weighing in of competitors must take place obligatorily two hours before the beginning of the competition for a particular category.The weighing -in shall last one hour.
All the lifters in the said category are to be present at the weighing -in which in to take place in the presence of the Referees appointed for the category.A delegate of the organisation of the lifters being weighed may be present but he will have no right to interfere in any way.
Lifters will be weighed in the nude, each competitor is allowed to be weighed once only.Only those whose body-weight is heavier or lighter than the limit for the category will be allowed to go back on the scale. They are allowed an hour at the maximum to make the weight.
After this time they will be eliminated.
A lifter who is too heavy may move into the next higher category if there be any vacancy.
A lifter shall not compete in more than one category during a championship or competition.


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