Saturday, March 12, 2016


After the clean and before the jerk the lifter may ensure the position of the bar. This must not lead to confusion. It cannot mean in any case , granting a second movement to the lifter but of allowing him:-
1) Either to withdraw his thumbs or to "unhook" if he has used this method.
2) Or if the bar is placed too high and impedes his breathing or causes a pain, to lower it in order to rest it on his shoulders.
3) OR to change the width of his grip.


1) Any unfinished attempt at pulling in which the bar has reached at least the height of the knees.
2) Pulling from the hang.
3) Cleaning in two or more movements.
4) Touching the ground with the knee or buttocks or any part of the body other than the feet.
5) Any clean in which the bar touches a part of the trunk before the final position at the shoulders.
6) Cleaning in the "squat" position touching the knee or things with the elbows or upper arms.
7) Leaving the platform with any part of his body.

8) Any apparent effort of Jerking which is not completed.
9) Uneven extension of the arms.
10) Pause during the extension of the arms and finishing with a press out.
11) Bending and extending the arms during  the recovery.
12) Leaving the platform during the execution of the lift, i.e. touching the area outside the platform with                 any part of his body.
13) Replacing the bar on the platform before the referee's signal.
14) Dropping the bar after the referee's signal to replace the bar.
15) Failing to finish with the feet in the same line and parallel to the plane of the trunk and barbell.


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