Thursday, March 17, 2016



1) The technique known as hooking is permitted. It consist of covering the last joint of the thumb with                 the other fingers of the same hand at the movement of gripping .
2) In all lifts, pulling from the hang is forbidden.
3) In all lifts, touching the bar against the legs below the knees shall not render the lift"No lift."
4) In all lifts the referee must count as "NO LIFT" any unfinished attempt in which the bar has arrived                 at the height of the knees.
5) In all lifts, if the bar touches the thighs with with a visible stop, it shall render the attempt "NO                         LIFT". But, if during the pull the bar grazes or slides along the thighs without stopping , it shall not                 render the lift NO LIFT.
6) The use of grease, Oil, water or any lubricant of any kind on the thighs to facilitate the sliding of                     the bar is forbidden. The competitor is only allowed to use chalk.If the Jury find the use of any of                   the above material except chalk, they will order the competitor to wipe it off. The Jury will decide                 if during the wiping off the clock will go on or not .
7) In all lifts, touching the ground with any part of the body other than the feet shall render the                             attempt "NO LIFT".
8) Any clean in which the bar is placed on the chest before the turning over of the elbows shall                           render the attempt"NO LIFT".
9) In any clean touching the thighs or knees with the elbows or upper arms shall render the                                 attempt"NO LIFT".
10) In the Jerk any apparent effort from the shoulders.If the lift is not completed, must be counted as                   "NO LIFT" This includes lowering the body ot bending the knees.
11) After the referee's signal to replace the bar, the lifter must lower the bar and not let it drop either                   deliberately or accidentally. The lifter must retain both hands on the barbell until it is replaced on                     the platform.If he releases his grip with one or both hands before the barbell is replaced on the                       platform, this shall be considered dropping the bar which shall render the attempt "NO LIFT."                       There is no case for giving a lifter a warning the time that he drops the barbell.
12) If a competitor cannot fully stretch his arms resulting  from anatomical deformation of his elbow,                     he must report to the three Referees, as well as the Jury  before the beginning of the competition.


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